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Office Staff

Lance Murphy
281-576-2221, ext. 1208

Principal Secretary
Kristie Thompson
281-576-2221, ext. 1209

Associate Principal
Alyssa Albus
281-576-2221, ext. 1297

Associate Principal Secretary
Connie Ellis
281-576-2221, ext. 1871

Academic Dean of Testing
Kelly Brown
281-576-2221, ext. 1271

Academic Dean of Testing Secretary
Lynsey Brashear
281-576-2221, ext. 1397

Assistant Principal (Students A - Ct)
Shelley Deakle
281-576-2221, ext. 1228

Assistant Principal (Students Cu - Harq)
Ryan Rodriguez
281-576-2221, ext. 1204

Assistant Principal (Students Harr - McB)
Doug Anderson
281-576-2221, ext. 1396

Assistant Principal (Students McC - Rub)
Anthony Moore
281-576-2221, ext. 1312

Assistant Principal (Students Ruc - Z)
Amy Cramer
281-576-2221, ext. 1364

Counselor (Students A - Ct)
Annika Rodriguez
281-576-2221, ext. 1277

Counselor (Students Cu - Harq)
Heather Workman
281-576-2221, ext. 1276

Counselor (Students Harr - McB)
Tiffany Guy
281-576-2221, ext. 1262

Counselor (Students McC - Rub)
Christina Peterson
281-576-2221, ext. 1365

Counselor (Students Ruc - Z)
Meagan Piatkowski
281-576-2221, ext. 1346

Counselor - College & Career
Gena Kellam
281-576-2221, ext. 2790

Sandy Rogers
281-576-2221, ext. 1337

Alicia Gilbert
281-576-2221, ext. 1306

AP/Counselor Secretary (Students A - Ct)
Whitney Friedericksen
281-576-2221, ext. 1248

AP/Counselor Secretary (Students Cu - Harq)
Shanna Hodges
281-576-2221, ext. 1211

AP/Counselor Secretary (Students Harr - McB)
Holly Davis
281-576-2221, ext. 1280

AP/Counselor Secretary (Students McC - Rub)
Karen Matthews
281-576-2221, ext. 2735

AP/Counselor Secretary (Students Ruc - Z)
Robbyn Baker
281-576-2221, ext. 1372

College & Career Counselor Secretary
Amber Kimble
281-576-2221, ext. 1269

504 Facilitator
Michelle Crawley
281-576-2221, ext. 1282

Counselor's Clerk
Paula Williams
281-576-2221, ext. 1879

Lead Registrar
Kelly Barrera
281-576-2221, ext. 1278

Student Data Entry Clerk
Roxanne Soliz
281-576-2221, ext. 1240

Attendance Clerk
Larenda Mosley
281-576-2221, ext. 1339

Attendance Clerk
Katherine Soliz
281-576-2221, ext. 1475

Flora Pulido
281-576-2221, ext. 1299